Phone: +93-795-000002
KFG is the nation’s largest energy company where we combine constant change and innovation with our fundamental core principles of trust and integrity that have taken over past several years to establish.
We mainly focus on the distribution of high quality fuel in the country but in additions to that we also provide affordable transportation, reliable storage and prompt logistic services.
To be a world class oil and gas corporation, with its roots in Kabul, and a strong international presence
We believe in long-term relationships with our customers and treat every single one as a business partner.
From our corporate culture and in-house training to our business planning and real-time service, everything we do has a customer-centric focus.
Our growing client-base clearly reflects the international benchmarks we follow for quality, service and pricing.
Kabul-Parwan Road, District 17, Kochkeen, Afghanistan
Khairkhwa Fuel Group
Phone: +93-795-000002
We are an equal opportunity employer and provider with no discrimination on the basis of gender, cast, religion, disability and social status.